Refugee Legal conducts substantial policy development, law reform and advocacy work at the local, national and international levels. Our work in this area seeks to draw upon our direct, extensive and unique experience with provision of legal assistance to clients.
In this work, Refugee Legal aims to:
- Substantially improve public policy, legislation and administration of refugee and migration law so that they operate in a way which is fair, just, equitable, humane and in conformity with domestic and international law.
- To participate in ‘test case’ and other proceedings to seek clarification and development of enhanced legal protections for asylum seekers, refugees and disadvantaged migrants, and their communities.
- Promote substantially improved public awareness and discourse in relation to key issues in refugee and migration law, policy and practice, and their impact on asylum seekers, refugees and disadvantaged migrants, as well as the broader community.
This work involves active and regular participation in a diverse range of activities and fora, which include:
- Parliamentary inquiries;
- Submissions to government and non-government agencies;
- Media commentary;
- Publication of articles and submissions;
- Presentation of papers at conferences and a wide range community events;
- Consultations with wide range of government, inter-government, and non-government bodies;
- Membership of various peak Committees, Boards, and Reference groups;
- Lobbying of parliamentarians and other policy-makers