Refugee Legal video update

Tuesday, September 5 2017

Update from Refugee Legal’s Executive Director, David Manne, on the situation of people seeking asylum who have been brought back from Nauru or PNG.

Refugee Legal Update

Thursday, August 31 2017

Message from David Manne about the plight of people brought back from Nauru and PNG Dear Friend, I’m writing to update you on the situation of people seeking asylum who have been brought back to Australia from Nauru and PNG. As you’ve no doubt heard, some of these people have been issued by the Government with […]

Chasing Asylum – Available for the first time on Australian TV

Thursday, August 24 2017

Available for the first time on Australian TV, ‘Chasing Asylum’ offers a chilling look inside life for refugees exiled to Nauru and Manus.   The release by Al Jazeera of the full-length version of Chasing Asylum online could not be more timely. As 2,000 people – the great majority refugees – continue to be held in cruel, inhumane and […]

David Manne talks with Tom Ballard

Tuesday, May 23 2017

David Manne talks with Tom Ballard about the current emergency situation facing asylum seekers in Australia.

David Manne on The Project – Monday 22 May 2017

Tuesday, May 23 2017

Our Executive Director David Manne on The Project last night, commenting on the Government’s latest move on refugee processing, which violates rights and endangers lives.  

End of financial year appeal

Monday, May 22 2017

Dear Friend As I write, the emergency situation for people seeking asylum in our country has escalated even further. 21ST of May’s  “Lodge or Leave” announcement means that there are around 4,000 people in Victoria alone who urgently need our legal help to apply for refugee protection by the deadline of 1 October 2017. People […]

Join the Palm Sunday rally – Sunday 9 April

Friday, April 7 2017

The tradition of Palm Sunday rallies continues this weekend and once again thousands of Australians will be walking for justice for refugees and an end to the punitive policies. It’s critical to show that we Australians ARE better than this. So I encourage you with your family and friends to be part of the walk […]

‘Draconian and dangerous’: Despair over fresh crackdown on asylum seekers

Wednesday, March 1 2017

Asylum seekers have been told they will lose their welfare payments, bridging visas and right to seek asylum unless they urgently submit applications for protection, as the Turnbull government cracks down on the “legacy caseload” of boat arrivals. > View The Sydney Morning Herald article

Refugee Legal Emergency Appeal

Wednesday, March 1 2017

Fragile souls at the center of Trump’s spat with Australia

Monday, February 6 2017

Op-Ed David Mann As a new era begins in US foreign policy, there are around 2,500 people, the great majority of whom are refugees, closely monitoring news of these events with a very direct, very personal interest. The fate of these people, who have been held in prolonged limbo in Nauru and Papua New […]

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